Master of Fine Arts, Drawing and Painting
College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Drawing and Painting
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Selected Exhibitions (*denotes solo exhibition)
*I here you, BEEFHAUS, Dallas, TX, 2017
CHAOS!!!!! Small WOrks Show, Ro2 Art, Dallas, 2017
In Good Company, H Gallery, Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX 2016
Faculty Show, UNT Art Gallery, Denton, TX, 2016
*CHAMPION: Portrait of a Chicken, Ro2 Art, Gallery Under the Stairs, Dallas, 2016
Beeflix Vol.2, Beefhaus, Dallas, 2016
That's So Hot - An Invitational, 500X Gallery, Dallas, 2016
CHAOS!!! Small Works Show, Ro2 Art, Dallas, 2016
*This and the Wall, Art League Houston, Houston, 2015
*out of here please, Midway Gallery, Dallas, 2015
AMoA Biennial 600: Sculpture, Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, TX, 2015
Faculty Show, UNT on the Square, Denton, TX, 2015
In Good Company, H Gallery, Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX, 2015
CHAOS!, Ro2 Art, Dallas, TX, 2015
*Are you frustrated with me?, TERRAIN Dallas, Dallas, TX, 2014 - 2015
CHAOS!, Ro2 Art, Dallas, TX, 2014
*pigweasels, 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX, 2014
*something combombulated, Cora Stafford Gallery, UNT, Denton, TX, 2013
*back in, face out, Gallery 219, Easfield College, Mesquite, TX, 2013
Student Discount, 500x Gallery. Dallas, TX, 2013
Graduate Invitational, Lightwell Gallery. UNT, Denton, TX, 2013
New Texas Talent, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX, 2013
CHAOS!, Ro2 Gallery, Dallas, TX, 2013
Intersections: Collaborative Inquiries in Painting, UNT on the Square, Denton, TX, 2013
MFA Showcase, UNT Art Gallery, Denton, TX, 2013
Temporary Occupants, Eastfield College. Mesquite, TX. 2013
TINAY/IDNCTBH (SRTAMHWMWF), Oliver Francis Gallery. Dallas, TX, 2013
Flat, North Gallery. University of North Texas, Denton, TX, 2013
EXPO 2013, Juried by Iris Bechtol, 500x Gallery. Dallas, TX, 2013
Graduate Invitational, Lightwell Gallery. UNT, Denton, TX, 2013
Graduate Exhibition, Union Gallery. UNT, Denton, TX, 2013
FREE PUPPIES (adverbial form implied), Cora Stafford Gallery. UNT, Denton, TX, 2013
Graduate Inivtational, Lightwell Gallery. Juried by Susan Cheal and Matthew Bourbon. UNT, Denton, TX, 2012
*maybe a little uncomfortable, Union Gallery. University of North Texas, Denton, TX, 2012
Pieces of Eight, Frisco Art Gallery. Frisco, TX, 2012
52nd Annual Voertman Student Art Competition, Juried by Clint Willour. UNT, Denton, TX, 2012
Scholarship Show, Lightwell Gallery. University of North Texas, Denton, TX, 2012
Graduate Invitational, Lightwell Gallery. Juried by Vincent Falsetta and Annette Lawrence. UNT, Denton, TX, 2012
Bridged, Exhibition on 500 Singleton Boulevard. Curated by Stephen Lapthisophon. Dallas, TX, 2012
*Revision, Clementine Art Gallery. Harrisonburg, VA, 2011
*Paintings, Blue Mountain Art Gallery. Harrisonburg, VA, 2010
Group Show, Kronos Art Gallery. Staunton, VA, 2009
*The Speed of Happy, artWorks Gallery. Harrisonburg, VA, 2006
Awards and Honors
First Place, Juror's Award. EXPO2013, Juried by Iris Bechtol. 500X Gallery, Dallas. 2013
Chadwick Family Studio Arts Scholarship. University of North Texas, Denton. 2013-2014
Pi Phi Pi Scholarship. University of North Texas, Denton. 2013-2014
Graduate Assistant Tuition Scholarship, full tuition, University of North Texas. 2012-2014
Thomas Norby Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Painting. University of North Texas, 2012-2013
Continuing Student Scholarship. University of North Texas, Denton. 2012-2013
Academic Achievement Scholarship. University of North Texas, Denton. 2011-2013
21st Century Scholarship. Florida State University, Tallahassee. 2002-2003
Public Collections
Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX
Target Corporation Distribution Center, Denton, TX
Clementine Cafe, Harrisonburg, VA
Hank's Southern Grillery, McGaheysville, VA
Bibliography Five, Dec. 4, 2014, Glasstire. December 4, 2014.
Compton, JR. "Real" and Apparent Depth in selected work from Ro2's Chaos II, a curated show of small art. July, 2014.
Blair, Michael Frank. Intersections at UNT on the Square. July 20, 2013.
Lugo, Jp. UNT artists collaborate for gallery on square. June 13, 2013.
"Top http://ntdaily/unt-artists-collaborate-for-gallery-on-square/
Artist Talk and Video Screening: Art League Houston, Houston, TX. 2015
Guest Artist Lecture: Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX. 2013
Guest Lecture: Hybrid Forms. Invited by Susan Cheal, Department of Studio Art, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX. 2013
Panelist: Graduate Student Panel, presented by the Art History Society. College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX. 2013
Guest Lecture: Drawing I. Invited by Rachel Black. Department of Studio Art, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX. 2012
Artist Talk: "Pieces of Eight", Frisco Art Gallery. Frisco, TX. 2012
Professional Experience
Adjunct Professor, ASTU 2215: Painting II, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Adjunct Professor, ARTS 2316, 2317, 2311, 2366, 2367 (Painting I, Painting II, Advanced Painting, Watercolor I,
Watercolor II), ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation, Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX
Adjunct Instructor, ARTS 1304: Art History II, ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation,
Department of Visual and Peforming Arts, Blinn College. Bryan, TX
Lead Artist, Spring Break Art Camp, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, tX
Eco-Art Educator, Artist Boat. Galveston, TX
Adjunct Professor, ASTU 2210: Painting I, ASTU 3200: Intermediate Figure Drawing, ART1510: Drawing II
and ART1500: Drawing I, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Adjunct Professor, ARTS1316: Drawing I and ARTS1317: Drawing II, Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX
Adjunct Instructor, ARTS 1303: Art History I and ARTS 1304: Art History II, ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation.
Department of Visual and Peforming Arts, Blinn College. Bryan, TX
Instructor, Art Camp, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (July 2016)
Instructor, Drawing from the Collection, Program for Children, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (August 2015)
Adjunct Instructor, ARTS 1303: Art History I, ARTS 1304: Art History II, ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation.
Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Blinn College. Bryan, TX
Instructor, Drawing from the Collection, Program for Children, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (August)
Teaching Fellow, Instructor of Record. ART 1500: Drawing I and ASTU 2210: Painting I, Department of Studio Art,
College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX
Area Assistant. Drawing and Painting Department, Department of Studio Art, Colelge of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX
Drawing from the Collection, Program for Children, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (August)
Teaching Fellow, Instructor of Record. ART 1500: Drawing I. Department of Studio Art, College of Visual Arts and
Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX
Teaching Assistant. ART 1500: Drawing I, Department of Studio Art, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX
Area Assistant. Department of Drawing and Painting, Department of Studio Art, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas. Denton, TX
Art Guard, the Rachofsky House and The Warehouse. Dallas, TX
Studio Assistant. Drawing and Painting Department, Department of Studio Art, College of Visual Arts and
Design, University of North Texas, Denton, TX